‘I don’t follow these fucking labels, for anything’ Maurice said, in a strong decided voice. ‘I don’t like men or women… I like people. I don’t care if it has a penis or a vagina, I just like it what I like. I like a person that happens to be a boy, ok, whatever. I fuck someone that happens to be a woman, the same thing you know. And I strongly believe that human nature is like this, if everyone allowed themselves to explore their own sexuality – and human sexuality is richer than Bill Gates – I’m sure we’d have a lot more of boys to explore ourselves’ he said, letting go a laughter, while Gabriel gave a smile in agreement. It made perfect sense. ‘But humans are so fucking stuck to these damn labels you know, actually, society makes us swallow their fucking pre-established concepts about everything and most of us follow society blindly. This system is so fucking stupid you know. There’s no democracy, there’s no freedom. Everything is based in some ridiculous laws who are nothing but distorted morals, and no exceptions for our country, because sadly it’s a worldwide secular thing. Pre concepts are natural of the human being, but not like this you know’ Maurice said, getting excited with the interested face Gabriel had in that moment. Maurice was a brilliant dude and loved sociology, philosophy and history – no wonder why he smoked so much weed – and Gabriel, despite being immature and a little messed up intellectually, loved to hear Maurice speaking. ‘I mean, what is so wrong with homosexuality? You like your same gender, so what? Is that an offence to a humanized God that nobody knows that even exists? Shit dude, it’s so stupid, and people are that alienated to buy this idea. And from a Presbyterian old lady to a bottom gay smoker – no pun intended – we are all really alienated. It’s sad and kind of difficult to think about it, because it just gets deeper and deeper and more worrying, but I do believe is true. You take your conclusions’ he said, giving a sympathetic smile to Gabriel. Maurice found Gabriel an extremely charming young boy but do restrained some stuff due to Gabriel’s fame of the industrial process that his boyfriends-of-the-week got through. It was almost like if Gabriel followed Henry Ford in his mass-production theory, but in this case was perfectly adapted to the relationships. The both of them were on a massive hungover of last night, and wine was a great way to cure hangovers.
In the end, and looking a bit around, you could say that everything Maurice said made perfect sense. And it actually did.
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